Pink Hoodies for Women | Tebo Dambe  

What was the Inspiration behind the Monogram?
December 2019 was the beginning of hell when the pandemic took the whole world by storm and shifted everyone's life. We all needed to be Still.

The lockdown affected how we dressed as most worked from home. Comfort became the forefront in fashion. It was three years of reflection, renewal and rebuilding. End of Era 2022 was where most of us could breathe again.

Creative Director & Designer, Miss Tebo Dambe sat down alone and reconnected with her inner resilience during the pandemic with desires to fly, to be at peace and to be at a joyful place where visions became reality of imagination and creativity. The New Identity TD Monogram was created as a new way to write      Tebo Dambe which symbolizes unity and peace.
Tebo Dambe TD Monogram LogoHow did you create the new logo? We started with the logotype and a new approach based on the founder's initials. Tebo Dambe uses a bold typeface showcasing the designers personality of strength and determination, while the colors chosen changes based on the mood of the collection. Some looks will be soft while some will be bold mimicking the her soft and sincere personality and her boldness as a go-getter.


Tebo Dambe Monogram | TD Pink

TEBO DAMBE | Floral New Brand Identity


TD logo motifs in the Tebo Dambe Monogram, evokes the spirit of our founder's love for flowers as a renewal inspiration for our new monogram.

Miss Dambe took it upon herself as the iconic Academy Of Art University Graphic Designer alumni to design the Logo and the Monogram pattern partnered with an amazing team of 3D Digital Designers perfectly curated with care and creativity for this collection. 



An elegant set of interlocked TD initials signify our symbol of Unity and Peace.